• Upon joining, you will most likely receive a message from the leader of the group ( aka, me, Cleo/Lily ) to discuss a few things regarding your placement and choices of Element and Path. However, if you already have read the carrd beforehand, you are more than welcome to contact me yourself as I will be quite busy with irl things.

  • Please, and if you'd like, include the group name : β„°π’•π’†π’“π’π’Šπ’•π’š and if you are under a specific fraction : β„›π’‰π’‚π’‘π’”π’π’…π’š or π•Ίπ¦π§π’πš, include them in your bio, location, or anywhere on your pinned tweet. It is no recommended but it will help spread the word/garner attention.

  • Upon liking the recruitment post, you will be added to the gc. However, if you have any problems regarding the gc and or of the people within the gc, please contact me via message and we will talk about it. Your comfort is most important.

  • NO DRAMA! Keep drama away from the gc and the group as a whole. If you have any problems, talk to me in private. Do not make other people in the gc uncomfortable.

  • Do Not Spam the GC with Drama, Complaints, Gossips about other writers and groups. You will be removed from the gc and banned from participating in group sls.

  • No God Modding! Take a hit doesn't mean you are weak. Auto dodging without context is a no. Just take the hit and move on. Recover and come up with a different plan to counter or admit defeat. Even Gods fall. Not everyone is perfect.

  • Please be as active as possible in the gc. Interact with people in the group. We're here to have fun and enjoy ourselves.

  • This goes for everything threads. Please read what the other wrote! Do not just go off on your own and ignore the things the others wrote! This is from my personal experience. Please Read Carefully!

  • Events, Updates will be posted often and shared to the group. Please make sure to check when possible.

  • Each person are allowed at least two accounts for the group. But please with your own pace and do not overwhelm yourself. If you need a break, please let me know in dm and I'll keep note of it.

  • During specific events/ SLS, there will be a required response time to prevent the sl from dragging for too long. Be thoughtful of it and work with your schedule accordingly. If you are unable to participate, that is fine.

  • Minors are welcomed to join. But as a warning, there will be violence involved in the group as there will be fight sls mentioned.

  • Eternity is welcomed to collab with any other existing groups!

500 years ago, after failing to save Khaeri'ah from destruction, Cleome and her brother were severely punished by the gods of Celestia. With her brother killed before her eyes, revenge sparked within her heart, but it was short lived as she too suffered the consequences of rebellion. Godly powers sealed and rendered weak if not for her brother's remains gathering to become a unique gnosis. With the gnosis obtained, seals adorned her body to prevent her from carrying out her goals, she waited....

The Cataclysm (Khaeri'ah)

Approximately 500-600 years after her banishment from the Heavens, Cleome finally regained her powers through the help of her Stella Fortuna Holders. Having unlocked her constellations through countless efforts and fights, she once more took control of her previous position as the God of Space. Although not fully complete until Celestia was destroyed.With the secrets of Teyvat revealed to her, Cleome took advantage of it before targeting the soul of Teyvat. Infecting the Ley Lines with multiple spacial distortions until havoc rose amongst the grounds and within Irminsul ( think Irminsul as the algorithm for computers ). With the Ley Lines distorted, she brought unbalance to the world but it wasn't long until she would corrupt the Tree of Irminsul, watching it burn to its roots before gathering it's ashes and using the powers of her stars to birth a new system.

PRELUDE - Prologue



God, the ruler of your own respective Nation. To be a god, you must be recognized by your followers and have a designated PATH and ELEMENT which will be noted by the GNOSIS created by Cleome.

Element TypeGodDescription
UniversalShouki no KamiThis element was originally Shouki no Kami's own element as he is able to utilize and manipulate several natural elements such as hydro, fire, wind, cryo, and thunder. However, through many thoughts, he allowed his followers and others deemed worthy to gain the element of Universal. Being blessed by this element alone is already an honor. The character is allowed to use the same aforementioned elements freely without much cost. However, abusing this element will force the character to be held in elemental cage created by Shouki no Kami.
ThunderBeelzebulVery straight forward. Characters under this element are able to freely manipulate and utilize lighting in however way they want. The cost is a high usage of energy from the user and casting of character's ultimate can take a while to recharge. However, this can be overwritten through training and meditation with Raiden Shogun.
NaturalBarbatosNatural as an element means you are able to adapt to specific elements suitable with your character whether it be Wind, Ice, Water, Fire, Nature when needed. However, the cost is that the character cannot use that same elemental resonance for three whole days.
ResonanceBaihuThe element of resonance allows the character to resonate with anyone nearby ( has to be within the same team/group ). Resonating with another allows them to collect important details for various places and use them for their own benefits and or for their respective nation. Example would be: so and so resonates with one of the sovereigns, letting them know the current situation and could request back-up or do what they believe is a right for the current situation at hand. This element enhances the character's memory, perception of things and wisdom.


God, the ruler of your own respective Nation. To be a god, you must be recognized by your followers and have a designated PATH and ELEMENT which will be noted by the GNOSIS created by Cleome.

AnnihilationShouki no KamiDestruction, force, and ruthlessness. Following this path, your character will always be placed first during combat. During specific times when the character of this path, pleads the God governing Annihilation, they will be blessed with a buff that will last 5 seconds. This buff allows the character to use an Ultimate that can deal twice it's original impact.
VirtualizationBeelzebulResourceful, cunning, secretive. Following this path, your character automatically gains a skill that allows them to help store and memorize important things. During combat, their observant nature can help locate enemies quickly and pinpoint certain weaknesses to assure victory. Blessing from this path allows the character to go invisible for 10 seconds, allowing them to freely sabotage the enemies when needed.
PurificationBarbatosProtective, nursing, resourceful. Following this path, your character has the ability to heal injured comrades but cannot revive a fallen comrade. Blessing from this path allows the healer to heal for a wider scale for 3 seconds.
HarmonizationBaihuHarmonizing within their nation. This acts as a buff that can temporarily boost the characters effected by the Path for 10 seconds. Cool down time is approximately 1-3 minutes depending on how dere the situation is. The buff effects the character's agility, perception, and reflexes. However, by using this, both the Path user and the buffed character will later experience higher fatigue than usual. This can be altered through training and practice.